Privacy Policy



Welcome to the Holman Distributor Portal (the "Site"). When you're visiting the Site, we don't want you to worry that we will misuse the information you share with us about yourself. It is important to us that all of our customers understand what information we gather about them, how we use it, and how we work to protect it. By using the Site, you consent to the information practices described in this policy.

In this Privacy Policy, Holman is referred to as "KM", "us", "we", or "our". You and your company are referred to as "you" or "your company".

Information Collection
Personally Identifiable Information is information that can be used to locate you, contact you, or determine your specific identity. When other information is linked to Personally Identifiable Information, it also becomes Personally Identifiable Information. We may collect Personally Identifiable Information from you in several ways. In addition to the collection of Personally Identifiable Information, we may also automatically receive and record information in our server logs from your browser, including your IP address, your computer's name, the type and version of your web browser, referrer addresses, and other generally-accepted log information. We may also record page views (hit counts) and other general statistical and tracking information. This information will not be associated with your Personally Identifiable Information. We will use email to communicate with our customers. By using our service you agree to receive status notifications, a monthly newsletter, and on occasion, selected special offers and promotions. At no time will you receive more than two special offers a month and you are free to unsubscribe at any time by using the unsubscribe link found on each newsletter. We may or may not use a third party to send email, however, your Personally Identifiable Information will never be disclosed or shared with another party without your explicit permission as required by law.

A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes an anonymous, unique identifier, that is sent to your browser from a web site's computers and stored on your computer's hard drive. Each web site can send its own cookies to your browser if your browser's preferences allow it, but (to protect your privacy) most browsers only permit a web site to access the cookies that the same web site has already sent to you, not the cookies sent to you by other sites. 
We may set and access our own cookies on your computer. Information stored by us in cookies may be associated with your Personally Identifiable Information in order to identify you as a repeat visitor or customer of the website, to maintain session information for logged in users, and to track usage trends and patterns in order to better understand and improve areas of our website. 

We may allow a third party to use cookies to track your activity on our website. Such information will not be associated with your Personally Identifiable Information. 

 We may also allow a third party to use cookies to allow the use of the Live Chat feature on our Site. Such information will not be associated with your Personally Identifiable Information.

Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information
In general, we will not disclose your Personally Identifiable Information to unaffiliated third parties without your express consent. If we seek your consent to disclose your Personally Identifiable Information to a third party, we will do so unambiguously, explaining precisely what information we seek to disclose, the entity to whom we wish to disclose it, and the purpose for the disclosure.  There are, however, some limited circumstances in which we may need to disclose Personally Identifiable Information about a user, and we want you to know about them: We may employ other companies to perform functions on our behalf, such as fulfilling orders, providing customer service, sending mail, processing credit card payments, or other functions necessary to our business.

We may need to share your Personally Identifiable Information to these companies. However, we will provide them with only that information necessary to perform their functions, and will not allow them to use that information for any other purpose. 

Responses to requests for information necessary to provide you with the products you purchase or subscribe to through our Site may contain Personally Identifiable Information. We will provide the authors of such products the information you supply in response to those requests. The information practices of those publishers are not covered by this privacy policy. Your name, address, phone number, and email address, will not be shared with the Authors. 

We may reveal a user's identity (or whatever information we know about that individual) if we believe that user is harming or interfering with other users of our Site, anyone else, or violating (either intentionally or unintentionally) our customer agreement or infringing any of our legal rights. 

We will reveal information, including Personally Identifiable Information, to the extent it reasonably believes it is required to do so by law. If we receive legal process calling for the disclosure of any of your personally identifiable information we will, if permitted by law, attempt to notify you via the e-mail address you supplied during registration within a reasonable amount of time before we respond to the request. 
We may transfer information it collects, including any Personally Identifiable Information, in connection with a sale of all or most of the assets of the company. Should your Personally Identifiable Information be transferred as the result of such sale, you will be notified via email.

Use and Disclosure of Anonymous Information
Anonymous Information is any information collected from you or by us, other than Personally Identifiable Information, including aggregate information derived from Personally Identifiable Information. 
We may use Anonymous Information to improve our Site and service, to monitor traffic and general usage patterns, and for other general business purposes. 
We may disclose Anonymous Information to third parties for a variety of business reasons, including to publishers to inform them as to what content is appealing to their readers, to advertisers to inform them of the usage habits or characteristics of the interested audience, and to potential investors so that they may better understand our user base, etc. Anonymous Information will not include any Personally Identifiable Information and we will not disclose any Personally Identifiable Information except as expressly stated elsewhere in this policy.

Changing or Removing Information
We want to ensure that you have appropriate control over your Personally Identifiable Information. You can change your Registration or Customer Information, by emailing If at any time you would like to delete your Registration Billing Information you can send an e-mail request to After receiving your request, such information will be deleted assuming (i) you are current with all payment obligations; (ii) we do not believe it is reasonably necessary to keep such information for any pending legal action; and (iii) we are under no other legal obligation to retain such information. If such information is deleted, however, any unfulfilled subscriptions will be cancelled without refund and you will have to re-register with us. 

Since Anonymous Information is by its very nature non-personally identifying, we have no way to locate Anonymous Information obtained by your use of the service. In addition, Anonymous Information is often aggregated. Therefore, we cannot remove Anonymous Information obtained from you or as a result of your usage of the website or service.

We employ reasonable and current security methods to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure correct use of information. 
Your personal data will be stored within a database that is located behind a firewall for added security. The server housing the database is physically protected at a secure, third party site. No data transmission over the Internet or any wireless network can be guaranteed to be secure. As a result, while we try to protect your personal information, we cannot ensure or guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. Any transmission to our Site or service of Personally Identifiable Information and credit card information uses SSL encryption.

Other Web Sites
The Site contains links to other sites that are not owned or controlled by us. Please be aware that we at KM are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage you to be aware when you leave our Site and to read the privacy statements of each and every Web site that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies only to information collected by this Site.

Changes to this Privacy Policy
From time to time, we may change its privacy policy. If we make any changes regarding disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information to third parties, then we'll send you an e-mail (or notify you by pop-up screen) prior to the date the modified policy takes effect. We will also post conspicuous notice of the new policy on our home page for the Site, with an Effective Date for the policy as modified. Any new policy will have prospective effect only, meaning it will not apply to information previously gathered without your express consent.

We utilize remarketing which allows us to display its ads to people who have recently visited this Site. Upon visiting our Site, the visitor's IP address is collected through a remarketing cookie that has been installed on the visitor's computer. Remarketing ads will be shown to the visitor throughout the Google Display Network for a designated amount of time, not to exceed 30 days. Visitors can opt out of the use of remarketing cookies by visiting Google's Ads Settings.